Remaining Steady in Your Fight for Collective Liberation

Grace Anderson
2 min readNov 7, 2023

“I want to wake every morning into love where love is the question of how I’m going to help you get free whatever that means whatever it needs to mean” -Saretta Morgan

For those of us who are living in bodies that are constant targets of state violence. For those of us who have experienced genocide and are descendants of survivors of genocide. For those of us who have been forcibly removed from our homelands. Those who are systematically cut off from power, resources, and stolen from but continue to survive. For those of us who come from enslaved people. Those who know so many who have not made it and will not make it but continue on. We understand the necessity to have a constant and steady practice and outlook toward a free, just, and joyful future.

The journey toward collective liberation and freedom demands a practice of steadiness. A commitment to finding the ground beneath you and staying firmly rooted for the long game. Resisting and undoing centuries of colonial, imperialist, and genocidal devastation isn’t a short-term project. And if you’re in your body and paying attention, it’s impossible to not feel the deep grief that comes from witnessing this. It’s impossible to not feel overwhelmed.

I offer steadiness as an antidote to apathy.

Steadiness keeps us in constant motion toward freedom. Steadiness because it’s harder to gain momentum from a standstill. Shifting paradigms, and building new worlds, takes stamina. Steadiness is defined as “the quality of being regular, even, and continuous in development, frequency, or intensity.”

Steadiness is a strategy.



Grace Anderson

strategizing at the intersection of racial, healing, and environmental justice. Contact: